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2024-02-18 09:56:17
美[ˌʌnvɜːst]  英[ˌʌnvɜːst]
adj.  不熟练的;不熟知的;无经验的


  1. not having had extensive practice


  1. Foreigners are unversed in the British way of life. 外国人不熟悉英国生活方式。
  2. We are unversed in the jargon of the social scientist. 我们对社会科学家之间的行话不熟悉。
  3. Feng Li smiled and thought "So she is just a simple country girl unversed in courtly manners. 勾践伸手在大腿上一拍,道:“着了道儿啦!”
  4. One unversed in such matters can have no notion of the many and tragic things that can happen to a chicken. 不了解养鸡的人很难想象一只鸡会遭遇多少灾难。
  5. Feng Li smiled and thought "So she is just a simple country girl unversed in courtly manners.Yet she learned this godlike sword skill. 范蠡微微一笑:心想:“乡下姑娘,不懂礼法,只不知她如何学会了这一身出神入化的剑术。
  6. Rough set theory has developed into one of the hot subjects in the area of intelligent information processing, which is a powerful tool to deal with incomplete and unversed information . 粗集理论是近年来智能信息处理领域发展起来的热门学科之一,是处理不完整、不精确信息的有力工具。