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2024-02-18 10:03:17
美[ʌnweər]  英[ʌnweər]
adj.  不察觉的


  1. He totally busy so he was unware of my coming. 他太忙了,根本没注意到我的到来。
  2. Manerager was unware of her potenial ability. 经理没有发现她潜在的才能。
  3. This new writer was totally unware the chasm in the story. 这个写作新手完全没意识到故事中的脱节处。
  4. Her parents stood undiminished and unware of criticism. 她父母亲一如既往,对别人的批评不屑一顾。
  5. Until Blunt confessed we were entirely unware of this chain. 在布伦特坦白交代之前,我们全然不知还有这条渠道。
  6. This new writer was totally unware the chasmin the story. 这个写作新手完全没意识到故事中的脱节处。