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2024-02-18 10:53:17
美[ˌʌnwaʊnd]  英[ˌʌnwaʊnd]
v.  展开
sp.  展开


  1. Reading is a good way to unwind. 阅读是休息的好方式。
  2. Shall we go to a bar and unwind a little? 我们到酒吧去喝一杯吧?
  3. She unwound the wool from the ball. 她松开线团上的毛线。
  4. I want to go to a Japanese-style pub and unwind a little. 我想去日式大众酒馆(pub)喝点酒。
  5. He unwound the wool from the ball. 他把毛线从毛线团拉出来。
  6. He unwound his scarf from his neck. 他从脖子上解下围巾。