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2024-02-18 11:46:17
美[ʌphiːv]  英[ʌphiːv]
v.  举起;推上去使上升;使隆起
  过去式:upheaved  过去分词:upheaved  现在分词:upheaving  第三人称单数:upheaves


  1. lift forcefully from beneath


  1. When excavating deep foundation ditch in the lake sediment that filled with deep and thick silt, it is a common technical problem that the upheave which caused by relief loads leading to slope destabilization. 摘要在湖泊相沉积的深厚淤泥土场地开挖深基坑,由于坑底卸荷隆起导致基坑边坡位移、失稳是常见的技术难题。
  2. Dongpu depression, a oil-gas bearing basin, is situated in the southwest Bohaiwan basin.Puwei sag is a subunit that is tectonically located in the north central upheave of Dongpu depression. 东濮凹陷是渤海湾西南部的一个含油气盆地,濮卫洼陷构造位置上处于东濮凹陷中央隆起带北部,为一负向次级构造单元。
  3. Treatment of the Upheave of A Plaze Basement with Anchorage in Soil 用土层锚杆对广场地下室上浮的处理
  4. Resist Upheave Technique Reinforcing With Porous Board for Deep Foundation Pit Engineering Under Deep and Thick Silt 深厚淤泥土基坑工程坑底多孔板加固抗隆起技术