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2024-02-18 12:19:16
美[ʌpreɪz]  英[ʌpreɪz]
vt.  抬起;抬高
  过去式:upraised  过去分词:upraised  现在分词:upraising  第三人称单数:upraises


  1. cause to become alive again;

    "raise from the dead" "Slavery is already dead, and cannot be resurrected" "Upraising ghosts"


  1. Add harmonic work environment,favourable enterprise culture,doubtless to upraise incentive action for enterprise employee . 最后企业要建立良好的企业文化,加之以和谐的工作环境,无疑会对企业职工以强大的激励作用。
  2. How do you plan to upraise the level of knowledge and the boating culture to your customers and potential customers? Any precise plans of communication? 您打算采用什么方式来提高您的客户及潜在客户对游艇知识及文化的认知水平?
  3. Meanwhile they make useof plenty of superiority and upraise the comprehensive competitive power ofnation-stated enterprises by using nation-product propaganda. 同时,它们还充分发挥了民族优势,利用“国货”进行广告宣传,从而提高了民族资本企业的综合竞争实力。
  4. Meanwhile they make use of plenty of superiority and upraise the comprehensive competitive power of nation-stated enterprises by using nation-product propaganda. 同时,它们还充分发挥了民族优势,利用“国货”进行广告宣传,从而提高了民族资本企业的综合竞争实力。
  5. It will upraise on further processing fresh meat cuts, small packed meat products, cooked meat and some convenient food, function food, and leisure food. 各种精深加工的分部位冷鲜肉、小包装肉、半成品肉、熟肉制品和以肉类为原料的方便食品、功能性食品、休闲食品、旅游食品的消费将明显上升。
  6. But you know, honestly I just want to win and I want to contribute.I want to be a part of some type of success whether it is only a championship team or it is only a team on the upraise. 但是呢, 实事求是, 我只是想赢球,我想对球队做贡献,我想作为球队成功的一个重要的因素, 不管这是个冠军级别的球队还是一个刚刚崛起的球队。