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2024-02-18 12:42:16
美[ʌpʃɪft]  英[ʌpʃɪft]
vt.  换高速档
n.  加速
  过去式:upshifted  过去分词:upshifted  现在分词:upshifting  第三人称单数:upshifts


  1. Conversely, it will also upshift when engine revs are too high. 相反的,当引擎转速过高时,系统不允许升档。
  2. Increasing the concentrations lead to the upshift of aromatic protons. 可以观察到随着溶液浓度的增加,芳环上质子的化学位移向高场移动。
  3. The transaxle will not upshift from Low range as iong as the transaxle is shifted to "1". 只要变速箱被挂在1档,它就不会由低当换到高档。
  4. The driver can manually change gears without clutch, by pushing the gearstick forward to upshift. 驾驶者可以在没有离合器的情况下通过上下移动排档秆来手动换档。
  5. DSG can be driven in automatic mode or the driver can upshift and downshift themself. DSG可以在自动模式下工作,或者驾驶员可以自己升降档。
  6. He or she then moves the gear-select stick left to cause a downshift, for example, and right for an upshift. 驾驶者可移动控制杆,将自动排档改成手动排档,接著向左扳排档杆就可降档,向右扳就可升档。