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2024-02-18 13:03:17
美[ʌpswept]  英[ʌpswept]
v.  向上曲
adj.  向上曲的


  1. The wave drag coefficient also increases with increasing upswept angle at transonic speed. 在跨音速时,波阻系数也与上翘角有关,上翘角增加会导致波阻系数进一步加大。
  2. Behind, in carriages, came their queens and princesses in floor length skirts and huge hats pinned on upswept hair. 再往后面,马车车厢里坐着身着拖地长裙、弓形发式上别着巨型帽子的皇后和公主们。
  3. Under the Rock That Flew Here is a dainty little pavilion with graceful upswept eaves. This is LengQuanTing or the Cool Spring Pavilion. 飞来峰下,在山洞溪边有一座小巧玲珑,飞檐翘角的建筑物,叫做“冷泉亭”。
  4. In transonic flow, a simple empirical formulation is given to predict the wave drag of upswept aftbody, which extends the usable range of Mach number. 在跨音速范围,给出了一种简 单的上翘后体波阻的估算方法,拓宽了马赫数的适用范围。
  5. These wraparound units culminate in an upswept rear edge, introducing a Saab design theme from the 9-5 range and classic 900 model. 这些周期性单位最高潮是车尾上翘的边缘;引进绅宝设计主题;由9-5射程和900个典型示范.
  6. The predicted results agree quite well with other available experimental data, so the drag prediction method of upswept aftbody is effective. 算例验证 表明,在给定的范围内,估算结果与实验结果吻合较好,说明本文的 上翘后体阻力工程估算方法是有效的。