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2024-02-18 13:12:17
美  英
n.  厄普顿(男姓);阿普顿(英国地名)


  1. The Blues were on the road to our biggest win ever at Upton Park. 蓝军踏上了在厄普顿公园取得最大胜仗的路途。
  2. Yossi Benayoun, meanwhile, is keen to leave Upton Park to join Liverpool. 约瑟.;贝纳雍同时可能离开西汉姆转会利物浦。
  3. Chairman Markey, Ranking Member Upton, and Members of the Committee. 马奇主席,厄普顿成员,各位委员们。
  4. West Ham have got a good young team and Upton Park is a hard place to go. 问:西汉姆有很好很年轻的球队,厄普顿公园是个难打的客场。
  5. "Each move has been a step up really," he says of his progression from Upton Park to White Hart Lane to Old Trafford. "每一步都要脚踏实地的向前;"他在谈到他从厄普顿公园到白鹿巷;再到老特拉福德的过程时说道.
  6. Shaun Wright-Phillips is understood to have told West Ham that he does not want to move to Upton Park. 据称赖特菲利普斯已经告诉西汉姆联,他不想去阿普顿公园踢球。