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2024-02-18 13:28:17
美[jʊriːmiːə]  英[jʊəriːmjə]
n.  [医]尿毒症


  1. accumulation in the blood of nitrogenous waste products (urea) that are usually excreted in the urine


  1. Examined that not having nephritis , being able to is an uraemia? 您的位置:我也知道>医疗健康>内科>检查过没有肾炎,会不会是尿毒症?
  2. Objective: To probe rescue and nurse on children with hemolysis and uraemia syndrome. 目的:探讨小儿溶血尿毒综合征救护体会。
  3. Methods The clinical data of 36 postoperative uraemia patients with internal arteriovenous fistula was analyzed. 方法分析1998-2007年36例尿毒症患者动静脉内瘘术后的治疗资料。
  4. Is the uraemia cured in Guangzhou do mind using Shenzhen Baoka of agency to be destroyed? 您的位置:凡人谷知道>医疗健康>尿毒症在广州治疗可否用深圳社保卡报销?
  5. Objective:To observe the clinical curative effect of hemofiltration(HF) on patients with neuropsychic symptoms in telophase of uraemia. 目的:探讨血液滤过在伴有神经精神症状的终末期尿毒症患者中的应用价值。
  6. But absorbing superabundance copper can lead to copper toxicity, inducing arrhythmia, even renal failure, uraemia, and shock. 但铜吸收过多可发生铜中毒,如心律失常,严重时会出现肾功能衰竭、尿毒症、休克等。