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2024-02-18 13:39:17
美[jʊrənɪˌnaɪt]  英[jʊrənɪnaɪt]
n.  沥青铀矿(天然氧化铀)


  1. a mineral consisting of uranium oxide and trace amounts of radium and thorium and polonium and lead and helium; uraninite in massive form is called pitchblende which is the chief uranium ore


  1. A massivevariety of the mineral uraninite. 沥青铀矿铀矿的一种。
  2. A massive variety of the mineral uraninite. 沥青铀矿铀矿的一种
  3. It is the first time to find scheelite and uraninite paragenetic orebody in Xiazhuang uranium ore field. 在下庄铀矿田中首次发现了晶质铀矿与白钨矿的共生矿体。
  4. Ore minerals in the Colorado-type deposits are of uraninite and coffinite, with associated vanadium and copper minerals. 科罗拉多型矿床中的铀矿物为晶质铀矿和水硅铀矿,与之共生的还有钒,铜矿物。
  5. Abundant uranyl minerals (especially, uranyl silicates and uranyl phosphates) are found because of intensive weathering of uraninite. 而我国高放废物地质处置库拟建在花岗岩体中。
  6. An orange-red to grayish yellow mixture of several uranium oxides, silicates, and salts occurring naturally in the oxidation and hydration of uraninite. 脂铅铀矿一种由桔红到黄灰色的多种铀氧化物、硅酸盐和盐的混和物,在铀矿物的自然。