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2024-02-18 13:48:17
美[jʊəˌeɪs]  英[jʊəreɪs]
n.  [生化]脲酶;尿素酶


  1. A clathrate compound, such as urea. 包合物一种笼状化合物,如尿素
  2. But 120 tons of urea is really a small one. 但120吨尿素确实是个小数目。
  3. Government tender urea must submit price by 18th noon. 政府招标尿素,须于18日正午前报价。
  4. Allantoin is one of the important urea derivative products. 尿囊素是一种重要的尿素衍生产品。
  5. A kidney also takes urea and mineral salts out of the blood. 肾还排出血液中的尿素和无机盐。
  6. Urea is commonly used as the source of nitrogen in foliage sprays. 尿素作为氮素给源普遍地应用于叶面喷布。