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2024-02-18 14:28:17
美[jʊriːθrəˌskoʊp]  英[jʊriːθrəskəʊp]
n.  [医]尿道镜


  1. Methods Combined urethroscope to make endovascular surgery to 31 patients. 尿道镜结合输尿管镜直视下手术治疗31例尿道狭窄患者。
  2. Methods: Twenty-five cases of urethral diseases underwent urethral retrograde contrast sonography and other ways (X-radial urethral contrast, urethroscope and emiction way of urethral contrast). 方法:用逆行尿道声学造影检查25例尿道疾病患者。同时作X线尿道造影、尿道镜、排尿法尿道声学造影进行对比。
  3. head mirror with lamp for urethroscope 尿道镜用带灯的额带反光镜
  4. transformer for urethroscope and cystoscope 尿道镜和膀胱镜用变压器
  5. female urethroscope for coagulation 女用电凝手术尿道镜
  6. fiber optic irrigating urethroscope 纤维光束尿道冲洗镜