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2024-02-18 14:54:16
美[ˌjʊrənɪfərəs]  英[jʊərənɪfərəs]
adj.  [医]输尿的


  1. A disease of the kidneys marked by degenerative lesions,especially of the winding uriniferous tubules. 肾下垂一种肾病,表现为退化性病变,尤其是弯曲的肾细管的损伤
  2. A disease of the kidneys marked by degenerative lesions, especially of the winding uriniferous tubules. 肾下垂一种肾病,表现为退化性病变,尤其是弯曲的肾细管的损伤
  3. The clinical characteristics and nursing of early acute excluding reaction and acute uriniferous tubules necrosis for kidney transplantation patients 肾移植术后早期急性排斥反应与肾小管坏死的临床特点及护理
  4. uriniferous tubule 肾细管,尿小管
  5. uriniferous tubules 肾小管