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2024-02-18 15:09:17
美[ˌjʊrəlɪθaɪəsɪs]  英[jʊərəʊlɪθaɪəsɪs]
n.  [医]尿石病;尿石形成


  1. It might be a new type of urolithiasis in children. 这可能是一种新的小儿尿路结石的类型。
  2. Dog urolithiasis is one of the common diseases of the pets service. 犬尿石症是宠物门诊常见的疾病之一。
  3. Urolithiasis is a common disease of the urinary system. 尿路结石为泌尿系统疾病中最常见的疾病之一。
  4. It is closely associated with urolithiasis, chronic infection and obstruction. 在文献报告中它与尿道结石、慢性感染及阻塞有密切的关系。
  5. The incidence of symptomatic urolithiasis during pregnancy was 0.35%. 怀孕时有症状的结石发生率为0.;35%25;
  6. At the same time, colic urolithiasis could be managed by ureteroscopy. 同时输尿管镜可对绞痛性尿石作即刻有效处理。