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2024-02-18 16:45:16
美[ˌjuːzjʊfrʌktʃʊˌerɪ]  英[ˌjuːsjʊfrʌktʃʊərɪ]
n.  用益权使用者;用益权的


  1. someone who holds property by usufruct
  1. of or relating to the nature of a usufruct


  1. They can sell that right (called a “usufructuary right”) to others. 他们可以出售这个权利(我们称之“用益权”)给他人。
  2. An owner shall not intervene in the exercise of rights by the usufructuary right holder. 所有权人不得干涉用益物权人行使权利。
  3. The right of mining also has branches with certain usufructuary right and security interest. 采矿权,又包含若干具有用益物权和担保物权性质的权利分支。
  4. Mineral resources are a kind of property form in kind,while mining rights is a kind of usufructuary right. 矿产资源是一种实物形态的财产,矿权(采矿权和探矿权)是一种用益物权。
  5. When the usufructuary right holder exercises rights, the owner may not intervene in. 所有权人不得干涉用益物权人行使权利。
  6. The right to the use of residence base is a unique kind of usufructuary rights in our country. 摘要宅基地使用权是我国所特有的一种用益物权形态。