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2024-02-18 17:17:17
美[juːtɪləti]  英[juːtɪləti]
n.  效用;实用;公用事业(费);[计]应用程序
adj.  多效用的;多功能的


  1. 实用(性),有用,有益
  2. 公用事业
  3. 【哲】功利主义 ,功利
  4. 公用事业公司
  5. 公用事业公司股票
  6. 有用之物
  7. 公用程序
  8. 实用程序
  9. 应用程序
  10. 【经】效用
  11. 【戏】跑龙套的演员
  12. 用途
  13. 实用价值
  14. 实用品
  1. 实用的
  2. 有多种用途的,多用途的
  3. 经济实惠的
  4. (用于)公用事业的
  5. 通用的,通用性的
  6. 为经济利益而饲养的,为谋利而饲养的
  7. 多效用的, 多功能的
  8. 各种工作都会做的
  9. 公用事业公司股票价格的
  10. 重实效的
  11. 能打各种位置的
  12. 次等的
  13. 二级的


  1. [U] 功用,效用 quality of being useful
  2. [P] 公用事业 any useful service for the public, such as supplies of water to the home, the bus services, etc.


  1. a company that performs a public service; subject to government regulation
  2. the quality of being of practical use
  3. the service (electric power or water or transportation) provided by a public utility;

    "the cost of utilities never decreases" "all the utilities were lost after the hurricane"

  4. (economics) a measure that is to be maximized in any situation involving choice
  5. (computer science) a program designed for general support of the processes of a computer;

    "a computer system provides utility programs to perform the tasks needed by most users"

  6. a facility composed of one or more pieces of equipment connected to or part of a structure and designed to provide a service such as heat or electricity or water or sewage disposal;

    "the price of the house included all utilities"

  1. used of beef; usable but inferior
  2. capable of substituting in any of several positions on a team;

    "a utility infielder"


  1. increase utility提高效用
  2. lose utility失去效用
  1. a great utility很有用
  2. a little utility实用性很小
  3. marginal utility边际效用
  4. practical utility实用性
  5. public utility公用事业
  6. economic utility经济效用
  1. utility vehicle多用途车辆
  1. utility in winter在冬天的用处


  1. I have always doubted the utility of these conferences on disarmament.我一直怀疑这些裁军会议的效用。
  2. Their research project has limited practical utility.他们的研究项目实用价值很有限。
  3. Does your rent include utilities?房租包括水电和煤气的费用吗?
  4. Utility prices, including water, electricity, gas, rose by 5.6 per cent.水、电、煤气在内的公用事业价格都上涨了5.6%。
  5. This utility can be run only in safe mode.此应用程序仅可在安全模式下运行。