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2024-02-18 17:18:16
美[juːtɪlaɪzəbl]  英[juːtɪlaɪzəbl]
adj.  可利用的


  1. capable of being put to a profitable or practical use


  1. Not util the meeting had begun did she arrive. 直到会议开始她才来到。
  2. Now go to Util [1] [6] for select internal pattern. 现在转到公用事业[ 1 ] [ 6 ]的选择内部格局。
  3. But Fern couldnt eat util her pig had had a drink of milk. 但是小法兰不能等到她的猪喝完牛奶.
  4. The paper has put forward and testified four utilizable aggregate gradation. 提出并验证了四种具有实用价值的集料级配组成。
  5. Its only a matter of time util I figure out how to get even with you . 我一定会想到怎样与你平起平坐的办法的。这不过是个时间问题。
  6. At the end of the paper, the author also gives some utilizable advices to the regulatory planning. 并围绕规划与管理的衔接,提出了相应的建议及措施。