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2024-02-18 17:43:16
美[juːvjələ]  英[juːvjələ]
n.  悬壅垂;小舌


  1. a small pendant fleshy lobe at the back of the soft palate


  1. Of, relating to, or associated with the uvula. 悬雍垂的悬雍垂的,和悬雍垂有关的
  2. If this is the tongue, then that must be the uvula. 如果这是舌头,那么那个一定是小舌头。
  3. Uvula and palate elevated in the midline. 九,十,悬雍垂腭和高架的中线。
  4. Narrow throat: tonsil hypertrophy, relaxation pharynx, the uvula is too long. 咽部狭窄:扁桃体肥大,咽部松弛,悬雍垂过长。
  5. Keeping uvula in surgery doesn′t affect the effect and also reserve some functions. :ppp手术中保留悬雍垂不影响疗效 ,保留悬雍垂生理功能 ,有一定临床意义
  6. Articulated by vibration of the uvula or with the back of the tongue near or touching the uvula. 小舌音的利用小舌音或舌后靠近或触到小舌音的部位来发音的