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2024-02-18 19:23:17
美  英
n.  华伦提努(公元二世纪时诺斯底教派领导者之一;早年曾参选教皇失败;受当时罗马基督教派排挤)
sp.  =Valentine.


  1. The emperor was furious at what Valentinus did. 皇帝对瓦仑廷斯的所作所为大为光火。
  2. They were Basilides and Valentinus. 他们是托名巴西里德和瓦伦提努。
  3. Saint Valentine, whose real name was Valentinus, was a Christian3 priest4. 本名为瓦仑廷斯的圣瓦仑丁是一名基督教牧师。
  4. Valentinus worried that his followers would lose hope because he was arrested. 瓦仑廷斯担心他的追随者会因为他被逮捕而失去希望。
  5. Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. 今天;罗马天主教认为至少有三个叫做瓦伦丁或者瓦伦丁诺斯的圣徒为教义献身了.
  6. It is also said that on the day Valentinus was killed, he wrote a goodbye note to the daughter of a prison guard. 此外,据说在瓦仑廷斯被处死当天,他写了一张告别纸条给某位狱卒的女儿。瓦仑廷斯将她治愈之前,她一直是又聋又瞎。