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2024-02-18 19:33:16
美[væləˌtjuːdənerɪən]  英[vælɪˌtjuːdɪneərɪən]
adj.  有病的;虚弱的;过分担心健康的
n.  病弱的人;过分担心健康的人


  1. weak or sickly person especially one morbidly concerned with his or her health
  1. of or relating to or characteristic of a person who is a valetudinarian


  1. He got sick easily since he was young, what a valetudinarian! 他从小就容易生病,是个药罐子。
  2. Objective Check the ash of valetudinarian for plague before 50 years ,if exist plague in the soil near the ash. 目的检测死于50年前的鼠疫病人尸骨及尸骨周围土壤是否存在鼠疫菌。
  3. At three and twenty he thought himself a valetudinarian, and passed his life in inspecting his tongue in the mirror. 二十三岁,他便以病夫自居,日日夜夜对着镜子看自己的舌头。
  4. His method proved successful in his case,he was a valetudinarian,most people would need something more vigorous. 他的办法对他来说是成功的,但他是个体弱多病的人,而多数人需要的是精力充沛。
  5. She affected to be spunky about her ailments and afflictions, but she was in fact an utterly self-centered valetudinarian. 她装做对自己的失调和苦恼若无其事,但是实际上她是为自己的健康状况非常发愁的人。
  6. For the civilization, it is important to provide the old, the vulnerable, the valetudinarian, the disable with social security. 从理论上说,人类历史进入了“文明社会”后,对老、弱、病、残等弱势群体进行经济保障就成为了应予关注的重要社会经济问题。