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2024-02-18 19:35:17
美[vælgəs]  英[vælgəs]
n.  [医]外翻足;外翻足的人
adj.  外翻的


  1. a deformity in which there is an abnormal displacement of part of a limb away from the midline of the body


  1. Valgus was the most common deformity (n = 16). 外翻是最多见的畸形(n=16)。
  2. Ideal for correct the Hallux Valgus and protect the Bunion. 适用于脚趾外翻及保护脚趾囊肿,穿鞋时也可使用。
  3. The cause of the hallux valgus have both of intrinsic and extrinsic. 拇外翻的发生有内因和外因两个方面,其发病是外因通过内因作用于足的一个过程。
  4. Dynamic and static measurements of the pressure under the forefoot in patients with hallux valgus. 拇外翻病人的静、动态前足底压力测定。
  5. The author elucidates his new vision on orthomorphia for Hallux Valgus from such respects as etiological and pathol... 从拇外翻畸形的病因、病理、矫形手术、手法复位、生物固定、术后康复等几方面,阐述对拇外翻畸形的新的矫形理念。
  6. Splint keeps big toe aligned and held in place with Velcro. Best for people with hallux valgus. 固定拇趾于正确位置,适合拇趾外翻人士使用。