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2024-02-18 20:32:16
美[væmpaɪərɪzəm]  英[væmpaɪərɪzəm]
n.  吸人膏血;榨取他人


  1. belief in the existence of vampires
  2. the actions or practices of a vampire


  1. Vampirism(When this creature deals combat damage, you gain that much life. 吸血(此生物造成战斗伤害时,你获得等量生命。
  2. It was not insomnia, nor did he practice vampirism, to say the very least. 不是因为他患了失眠症,他也不是在尝试当一只吸血鬼,至少我们可以这样说。
  3. But after Mike meets a beautiful girl at the local amusement park, he begins to exhibit the classic signs of vampirism. 但迈克后;会见了一位美丽的姑娘在当地的游乐园;他开始展现经典迹象诈取.
  4. Unity based genetics are for the purposes of evolution and ascension beloved, not immortality through vampirism. 基于统一的遗传是为了进化和提升的目的,至爱的人类,而不是通过吸血来达到永生。
  5. It may even cause blood to emerge from the corpses mouth as the lungs are squeezed -- both sure signs of vampirism. 由于尸体肺部被挤压而造成的尸体嘴角出现血迹,而这些都是吸血鬼的症状。
  6. Twilight concentrates much more on a...kind of, you know, like vampirism being a sort of disease. 暮光之城更多地集中于一种,你知道的,像吸血的一种疾病。