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2024-02-18 21:27:17
美[veɪpərɪ]  英[veɪpərɪ]
adj.  多蒸汽的(烟雾弥漫的;模糊的;朦胧的)


  1. His readings of her seemed now to be vapory and indistinct. 他现在对她的认识似乎是既虚幻而又朦胧。
  2. His readings of her seemed now to be vapory and indistinct 他现在对她的认识似乎是既虚幻而又朦胧。
  3. Washed with a cold gray mist, the vapory breath of the east-wind, 冷灰色的雾把一切水洗过,风从东面吹来的水汽,
  4. what is the nature of all sensible things, and particular those which attract with the bait of pleasure or terrify by pain, or are noised abroad by vapory fame; 这就是所有可感觉事物的性质,特别是那些伴有快乐的诱惑或骇人的痛苦的事物,或者是那些远播国外的虚浮名声的性质。