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2024-02-18 21:39:16
美[veəriəbli]  英[veəriəbli]
adv.  易变地;不定地;能变地


  1. with variation; in a variable manner or to a variable degree;

    "it will be variably cloudy"


  1. The cysts are larger and variably sized. 囊肿较大具大小不等,通常为单侧。
  2. In variably, also, the latest presents from Ramonas admirers were displayed. 此外,雷蒙娜的情人最近送来的礼物,也一定会陈列在那儿。
  3. The cysts were closely spaced with an intervening variably fibrotic stroma. 这些囊被形态不一的变性纤维基质紧密分隔。
  4. A small,variably colored rattlesnake(Sistrurus catenatus) found in parts of the United States,Canada,and Mexico. 小响尾蛇一种小的、色彩斑斓的响尾蛇(北美侏响尾蛇侏响尾蛇属),分布在美国、加拿大和墨西哥的某些地区
  5. A small,variably colored rattlesnake(Sistrurus catenatus)found in parts of the United States,Canada,and Mexico. 小响尾蛇一种小的、色彩斑斓的响尾蛇(北美侏响尾蛇侏响尾蛇属),分布在美国、加拿大和墨西哥的某些地区
  6. A small, variably colored rattlesnake(Sistrurus catenatus) found in parts of the United States, Canada, and Mexico. 小响尾蛇一种小的、色彩斑斓的响尾蛇(北美侏响尾蛇侏响尾蛇属),分布在美国、加拿大和墨西哥的某些地区