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2024-02-18 22:10:17
美[vəraɪələ]  英[vəraɪələ]
n.  [医]天花;痘疮


  1. a highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever and weakness and skin eruption with pustules that form scabs that slough off leaving scars


  1. Smallpox (or variola ):One of the worlds most dreaded plagues before 1977. 天花: 1977年以前世界上最恐怖的瘟疫之一。
  2. These include giant cells associated with variola, herpes simplex and parainfluenza. 这些包括有关天花、疱疹以及副流感的巨细胞。
  3. It belongs to a group of viruses that includes the smallpox virus (variola), the virus used in the smallpox vaccine (vaccinia), and the cowpox virus. 它属于一个包括天花病毒、在天花疫苗中采用的病毒和牛痘病毒的病毒组。
  4. It belongs to a group of viruses that includes the smallpox virus( variola), the virus used in the smallpox vaccine( vaccinia), and the cowpox virus. 它属于一个包括天花病毒、天花疫苗中采用的病毒和牛痘病毒的病毒组。
  5. Other orthpoxviruses that cause infections in humans include variola (smallpox), vaccinia (used for smallpox vaccine), and cowpox viruses. 其他导致人类感染的正痘病毒包括天花、牛痘(用于天花疫苗)和牛痘病毒。
  6. Other orthpoxviruses that cause infections in humans include variola( smallpox), vaccinia( used for smallpox vaccine), and cowpox viruses. 其他导致人类感染的正痘病毒包括天花、痘(于天花疫苗)牛痘病毒。