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2024-02-19 00:00:17
美[vektəskoʊp]  英[vektəskəʊp]
n.  矢量显示器


  1. The 5851A is a PAL vectorscope manufactured using the latest advances in engineering and ergonomics design. 本利达LVS-5851A彩电矢量示波器日本利达矢量示波器。
  2. The most accurate placement of the primary colors in the target boxes on the vectorscope, while maintaining reduced saturation of the green/cyan colors as is typical of traditional SMPTE color spaces. 最精确的定位在矢量显示器目标区,降低饱和度,同时保持绿色和青色,是典型的传统SMPTE色域空间。
  3. In Vector Mode, the VM700T becomes a digital vectorscope with an electronic graticule.The "Color Bar Search" feature makes it easy to quickly display a line containing a color bar test signal. 矢量模式具备通常的波形显示功能,显示的矢量可以旋转或者扩展,与此同时,所旋转的角度或扩展的增益数值均可显示在屏幕上。
  4. vectorscope device 矢量仪