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2024-02-19 00:11:17
美[vɪriː]  英[vɪərɪ]
n.  棕色夜鸫(画眉鸟之一种)


  1. tawny brown North American thrush noted for its song


  1. American thrushes: wood thrush; hermit thrush; veery. 美洲画眉鸟;鸫科鸣鸟;隐士夜鸫;威尔逊鸫。
  2. Ill give you the bigger of the two steaks; Im not veery hungry. 我要把这块比较大的牛排给你,我不怎么饿。
  3. Bacteria may divide veery 20 minutes and can thus reproduce very rapidly. 细菌每20分钟分裂一次,繁殖速度非常快。
  4. Top Toop Tooop Urgent!!! Big Biig Biiig Case!!! Very Veery Veeery Important!!! 几天之前发生了一件极其严重的事件,历史的齿轮开始了转动;
  5. It is veery important to monitor the seismicity around the dams and to study the measurements to fight against the flood disaster caused by dam collapsing. 四川省水利水电资源极其丰富,目前水利水电建设呈现出在高烈度地区高速度建设高坝水库的“三高”特点,若是不对水库诱发地震进行有效监测预测,则可能面临的灾害后果是十分严重的。
  6. They go to bed veery late. 他们后上床夜鸫。