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2024-02-19 00:40:17
美[veɪnjuːl]  英[veɪnjuːl]
n.  [解]小静脉


  1. Microcirculation is the blood circulation between arteriole and veinule. 微循环是指微动脉和微静脉之间的血液循环。
  2. The blood volume of microcirculation is in direct proportion to the dp of arteriole and veinule,and in inverse proportion to the whole resistance of microcirculation. 微循环的血流量与微动脉和微静脉之间的血压差成正比;与微循环中血流总阻力成反比.
  3. Jinbaoshan PGE deposit is a typical magmatic ore deposit,but there are a lot of hydrothermal veins in ores.There are significant PGE contents in the veins,especially in the sulfide veinule. 金宝山铂族元素矿床是典型的岩浆型矿床,但矿体中广泛发育热液脉状矿石,脉体有较高的铂族元素含量,特别是硫化物细脉为铂族元素的重要载体,反映铂族元素的热液活动。