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2024-02-19 00:44:16
美[vɪleɪmen]  英[vɪleɪmen]
n.  膜;被膜
  形容词:velamentous  名词复数:velamina


  1. The roots of many orchids and other epiphytes developed a sheath of dead cells, the velamen, which helps to absorb water from the atmosphere. 许多兰科植物的根和一些附生植物的死细胞鞘以及根被都可以帮助植物从空气中吸收水分。
  2. Objective To study Non-PVC officinal compounding velamen and glass bottle with transfuse of compatibility. 目的研究非PVC多层共挤膜输液袋及玻璃瓶与大容量注射剂的相容性。
  3. Objective To discuss the application of small incision used in uterectomy under velamen. 目的:探讨小切口筋膜内子宫切除术在临床中的应用价值。
  4. In terms of water economizing effect,mantles of velamen have better effect tha... 从节水效率讲覆膜的高于覆盖树皮,覆盖树皮高于覆盖石子。
  5. The exodermis cell wall possesses the highest auto-fluorescent intensity whereas that of velamen the lowest. 自发荧光强度以外皮层的最高,根被的最低。
  6. The observation on the microstructure of six orchids demonstrated that they have the typical orchidaceous roots with velamen and thick cortical tissue. 本文对密花石斛等六种兰科植物根的显微结构进行了比较观察。