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2024-02-19 00:54:17
美[velədʒə]  英[viːlɪdʒə(r)]
n.  [动](软体动物的)面盘幼体;缘膜幼体


  1. Most of the NSE and POD was located on the margin of mantle and visceral mass in veliger larvae. 形面盘幼虫期,外套膜和内脏团呈NSE极强阳性或POD强阳性,其余部位则呈NSE强阳性或POD弱阳性。
  2. In creeping larva, single-cells algae appear in the lumen of stomach.Intestine also formed in early veliger. 在上足分化幼虫,肠上皮分化为纤毛细胞和微绒毛细胞两种细胞;
  3. The toxicity of Cu~(2+), Zn~(2+), Cd~(2+), and Pb~(2+) to embryos and veliger larvae of Babylonia formosae habei and the detoxification of EDTA to veliger larvae poisoned by Cu~(2+ )and Zn~(2+) were studied. 研究了重金属Cu2+、Zn2+、Cd2+、Pb2+对波部东风螺(Babyloniaformosaehabei)胚胎和面盘幼体的毒性效应及EDTA对幼体Cu2+、Zn2+中毒的解毒效果。
  4. Effect of temperature and salintty on survival and growth of the veliger of head clam (/%Fulvia mutica /% Reeve) 温度、盐度对滑顶薄壳鸟蛤面盘幼虫存活和生长的影响
  5. veliger Second stage in larval life of certain mollusks, developed from a trocophore, where the head bears a velum. 面盘幼虫某些软体动物幼虫生活史的第二个阶段,从担轮幼虫发育,在头部有一个盖膜。
  6. veliger larvae 面盘幼虫