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2024-02-19 01:02:16
美[ˌveləsɪmətə]  英[ˌveləsɪmɪtə]
n.  速度计


  1. Doppler laser velocimeter is employed to measure the velocity field around hanged grid &deflector plate. 用多普勒激光测速系统对悬栅和悬板栅附近流场进行了测试,分析了悬栅、悬板栅的消能效果。
  2. The flow field in the labyrinth channel is measured using a 2-D LDV(Laser Doppler Velocimeter). 利用二维激光多普勒测速仪(LDV)对模型的迷宫式流道进行了流场测量。
  3. The PYJC laser Doppler velocimeter preshifted by means of Bragg Cell is described. 介绍了PYJC频移激光测速仪的光学原理。
  4. An Experimental investigation on the flow fi el d in vaned diffuser of a centrifugal fan has been conducted using Laser Doppler Velocimeter (LDV). 利用激光多普勒测速仪(LDV)测量了离心风机叶片扩压器的内部流场。
  5. In order to meet the need of laser doppler velocimeter inland,a dual-beam direction recognizable LDV is designed in this papper. 针对国内对激光多普勒测速仪的需求,本文设计并研制出一套双光束可识别方向的激光多普勒测速仪。
  6. The interstage flow field is analyzed by means of noncontact measuring and visualization device, such as PIV laser velocimeter. 采用不接触测量,如PIV激光测速等可视化测量手段,便于对级间流场的分析研究。