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2024-02-19 01:10:17
美[viːləm]  英[viːləm]
n.  [解]盖膜;软口盖;[生]菌膜;[动]游泳盘


  1. a membranous covering attached to the immature fruiting body of certain mushrooms
  2. a muscular flap that closes off the nasopharynx during swallowing or speaking


  1. It is sometimes termed the velum. 有时也把它称为菌幕。
  2. Luminosity glows through pale velum walls. 耀眼的光芒透射着苍白的幕墙。
  3. They are tongue, lips, pharynx, mandible, and velum. 包括舌头、唇、咽、下颔骨和软颚。
  4. The reason is that the cold and hot cup use PE velum outside . 原因为:冷热两用杯的外杯壁也有PE涂膜;
  5. The clouds and the boat are set on a golden velum by the sunshine. 云和船都被明媚的阳光镶上了一层金色的膜。
  6. Methods: Use drug velum contacting method to mensurate resistance of drug. 方法采用药膜接触法测定抗药性。