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2024-02-19 01:29:16
美[vendəbəl]  英[vendəbl]
adj.  可销售的
n.  可销售的物


  1. fit to be offered for sale;

    "marketable produce"


  1. In a neats tongue dried and a maid not vendible. 干牛舌和没人要的老处女,
  2. Finally, we found out the key factors and vendible experience by quoting two cases of VANKE and SUNCO enterprises. 最后,通过万科、顺驰两个企业的案例论证,来找出房地产企业扩张成功的关键因素和可以借鉴的经验。
  3. Spoiled food is not vendible. 腐败的食物不能出卖。
  4. A trademark is a distinctive mark of authenticity, through which the products of particular manufacturers or the vendible commodities of particular merchants may be distinguished from those of others. 商标是一种真实性的特定标志,指某生产商或经营商的产品或供出售的商品与其他经营者的产品或商品进行区别的标记。
  5. Land resource has vital effect on environment and provides vendible for people.However, a part of the value of those ecological services could not be realized via market transactions. 摘要由于土地资源具市场价值和非市场价值两种属性,土地所提供的一部分产品和服务难以通过传统的市场实现其经济价值。
  6. Trademark means a distinctive mark of authenticity, through which the products of particular manufactures or the vendible commodities of particular merchants may be distinguished from those of others. 一个商标必须能够与特定商品或服务相联系,并与其他商品或服务相区别,这就要求商标具有显著性特征。每个人的姓名作为一个代号,具有识别一个人和区别于其他人的功能。