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2024-02-19 01:37:17
美[ˌvenɪpʌŋktʃə]  英[ˌvenɪpʌŋktʃə]
n.  [医]静脉穿刺;静脉针灸


  1. As a routine operation in nursing, removing the venepuncture needle leads to many adverse effects. 静脉穿刺拔针是护理常规操作,然而拔针不当会出现许多不良反应。
  2. OBJECTIVE: To prepare the disinfectant for venepuncture in children and to establish the quality control for this preparation. 目的:制备小儿静脉穿刺消毒液并建立其质量控制方法。
  3. Objective:The relationship between cutaneous nerve and superficial vein in the dorsum of hand was studied to enhance the accuracy of venepuncture. 目的:了解手背浅静脉与皮神经的解剖位置关系,为提高手背静脉穿刺质量提供应用解剖学资料。方法:肉眼解剖12例24侧成人尸体手背标本。
  4. Objective To explore the method of superficial vein turgidity in the dorsum of hand and increase the accuracy of venepuncture. 目的探讨手背静脉充盈方法,提高静脉穿刺成功率。
  5. This paper expatiated the anatomical structures of venepuncture, artery, nerve, glands, and sternum punctures to provide a reference for medical and nursing staffs. 阐述了静脉穿刺、动脉穿刺、神经穿刺、腺体穿刺及胸骨穿刺的解剖结构,以供医护人员参考。
  6. Conclusion The improvement of operating method in subclavian venepuncture may reduce the uncidence of mistakable inserting internal jugular vein,and enhance survival quality of patients. 结论 通过对锁骨下静脉置管进行操作方法的改进,减少了误入颈内静脉的发生率,有助于提高患者的生存质量。