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2024-02-19 02:25:16
美[ventə]  英[ventə]
n.  腹部;解剖学;隆突;腔;[动]腹腔;[植]颈卵器腹;[法]子宫;母


  1. a speaker who expresses or gives vent to a personal opinion or grievance
  2. the region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis
  3. the womb;

    "`in venter is legal terminology for `conceived but not yet born"

  4. a bulging body part (as the belly of a muscle)


  1. She gave vent to her indignation in a fiery speech. 她在一篇激烈的演说中发泄怒气。
  2. There is a side vent on her skirt. 她的裙子上有一个侧边的开衩。
  3. I have to vent my spleen on someone. 我非得找个人出出气。
  4. He gave vent to his anger by kicking the chair. 他猛踢椅子,以此泄怒。
  5. The floods found a vent through the dykes. 洪水从堤上的一个裂缝处涌出。
  6. He gave vent to his feelings in an impassioned speech. 在一篇充满激情的演说里吐露了心声。