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2024-02-19 02:32:16
美[ˌventɪleɪʃn]  英[ˌventɪleɪʃn]
n.  通风;通风设备;充气;公开讨论


  1. the act of supplying fresh air and getting rid of foul air
  2. a mechanical system in a building that provides fresh air;

    "she was continually adjusting the ventilation"

  3. free and open discussion of (or debate on) some question of public interest;

    "such a proposal deserves thorough public discussion"

  4. the bodily process of inhalation and exhalation; the process of taking in oxygen from inhaled air and releasing carbon dioxide by exhalation


  1. This is a room with good ventilation.这是个通风良好的房间。
  2. Do not place the product in a separate enclosure unless proper ventilation are provided.除非通风良好,不要把产品放在独立的封闭装置中。
  3. I will close the ventilation, manholes and hatches until the firefighting team arrives.应马上关闭离火源最近的通风设备、人孔等,等待消防人员的到来。
  4. They altered the house to improve its ventilation.他们把房子改装一下使它更通气。
  5. Workers should be allowed full ventilation of all their difficulties.工人们应被允许公开讨论他们所有的困难。