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2024-02-19 02:33:17
美[ventɪlətɪv]  英[ventɪlətɪv]
adj.  通风的


  1. Storage: Keep it dry,ventilative and cool. 贮藏方法:宜贮存在干燥通风、阴凉处。
  2. Storage in dry and ventilative place! 贮存在通风避雨的地方。
  3. Expanded mesh,made ba cutting and drawing of fine steel, is beautiful,light and ventilative. 钢格网系选用优质钢材切拉而成,具有外型美观、轻便、通风等优点。
  4. Oak ventilative characteristic could mae liquor mature and sawry in a very short time. 因此,酒在橡木桶中储存的愈久愈好。
  5. Ventilative and waterproof; Patients head need not to be covered completely. Only wearing operation-cap is enough. 透气防水,患者无需包头,只戴手术帽即可。
  6. This paper puts forward the nonplanar data model to solve the difficult question of 3d topology of mine ventil... 提出采用非平面数据模型来解决通风网络中的三维拓扑问题;