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2024-02-19 02:55:17
美[ˌventroʊmiːdiːəl]  英[ventrəʊmiːdɪəl]
adj.  [解]腹正中的


  1. Does gender play a role in functional asymmetry of ventromedial prefrontal cortex? 性别是否在额前正中皮质功能的不对称性中起作用?
  2. Every one of the volunteers used a part of their brains called the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, the scans revealed. 扫描显示,每个志愿者都使用了被称为腹内侧前额皮层的那部分大脑。
  3. The ventromedial prefrontal cortex has a close connection with basal ganglia structures, in particular the striatum. 大鼠的mPFC与基底神经节特别是纹状体具有密切的联系。
  4. Objective: To investigate the effects of peripheral leptin infusion on metabolism in ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) lesioned obese rats. 目的 : 探讨外周输注瘦素对下丘脑腹内侧核 (ventromedial hypothalamus,VMH)损伤性肥胖大鼠的代谢影响。
  5. The ventromedial nucleus in the hypothalamus, where the so-called satiety centre is located, tells the body whether it is hungry or full. 他说,饱足中枢所在的丘脑腹内侧核会“告诉”身体什么时候饿了或饱了。
  6. The ventromedial nucleus in the hypothalamus, where the so-called satiety centre is located, tells the body whether it is hungry or full. 他说,饱足中枢所在的丘脑腹内侧核会“告诉”身体什么时候饿了或饱了。