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2024-02-19 03:13:17
美[vɪrəpæmɪl]  英[vɪrəpæmɪl]
n.  [药]戊酸丙胺;异搏定(一种冠状动脉扩张药)


  1. a drug (trade names Calan and Isoptin) used as an oral or parenteral calcium blocker in cases of hypertension or congestive heart failure or angina or migraine


  1. Conclusion Verapamil inhibits migration of gingival fibroblasts. 结论维拉帕米抑制牙龈成纤维细胞的迁移。
  2. OBJECTIVE: To provide basis for rational use of verapamil in clinical practice. 目的:为临床合理应用维拉帕米提供依据。
  3. Verapamil partially reversed the resistance of MCF-7Adr to doxorubicin. 维拉帕米可逆转MCF-7Adr对阿霉素的抗药性。
  4. Excess salt induced PVR, which was prevented by verapamil in broiler chickens. 高盐诱发了肉鸡PVR,维拉帕米显著抑制了高盐对PVR的诱发作用。
  5. We speculate that the fatal effect was primarily due to the overdose of verapamil. 我们推测,死亡原因可能是最初使用了超量的维拉帕米。
  6. Intracarotid Verapamil Decreases both Proximal and Distal Human Cerebrovascular Resistance. 颈动脉内维拉帕米降低人脑血管近端和远端的阻力。