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2024-02-19 03:45:17
美[vɜːdʒərəs]  英[vɜːdʒərəs]
adj.  碧绿的;绿叶


  1. Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways. 和青苔的曲径。
  2. On the halfway up the Tianshan Mountain, there is a smaller lake which is also verdurous and pretty. 我那马大哈的秉性在这点上当然也帮不上什么忙了,任伊姗姗而来翩翩而去,完全没想到应该问问清楚,以便提前做好准备。
  3. The pumas twisted face continues to look at the blue sky with sightless eyes, Ah sweet divine and indescribable verdurous paradise planted in mid-air! 美洲豹扭曲的脸继续用盲眼看着蓝天,啊美妙神圣不可描述的茂密天堂植根于空气中!
  4. the summer rain creates verdurous tomenta on mountains and valleys; 夏雨纷霏,千山万壑铺就碧绿的绒毡;