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2024-02-19 04:23:17
美[vɜːməˌfjuːdʒ]  英[vɜːmɪfjuːdʒ]
n.  驱虫剂;杀虫药
adj.  驱虫的


  1. a medication capable of causing the evacuation of parasitic intestinal worms


  1. Does the kitten expel parasite being able to change a vermifuge? 您的位置:凡人谷知道>娱乐休闲>宠物>小猫驱虫可以更换驱虫药么?
  2. A bitter compound used as an insecticide and tonic and vermifuge,extracted from the wood an bark of trees of the genera Quassia and Picrasma. 一种味苦的化合物,用作杀虫剂,从苦木属树木木材和树皮中提取。
  3. A perennial plant(Spigelia marilandica)native to the southeast United States having flowers with a tubular corolla that is red outside and yellow inside.The rhizomes and roots were once used as a vermifuge. 驱虫草一种美国东南部的多年生植物(赤根驱虫草),具有带内黄外红的管状花冠的花朵。其根茎与根部曾被用来做驱虫药
  4. A perennial plant(Spigelia marilandica) native to the southeast United States having flowers with a tubular corolla that is red outside and yellow inside. The rhizomes and roots were once used as a vermifuge. 驱虫草一种美国东南部的多年生植物(赤根驱虫草),具有带内黄外红的管状花冠的花朵。其根茎与根部曾被用来做驱虫药
  5. Synthesis and screening of yak hypodermal fly vermifuge 牦牛牛皮蝇驱避剂的合成及筛选
  6. bark and seeds used as a purgative and vermifuge and narcotic. 树皮与种子用作泻药、驱虫药和麻醉药。