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2024-02-19 04:30:17
美[vɜːmɪs]  英[vɜːmɪs]
n.  [解](小脑的)蚓体


  1. the narrow central part of the cerebellum between the two hemispheres


  1. The treatment group took PYN,the other took vermis kinase,both for one month. 治疗组服用平晕宁,对照组服用蚓激酶,疗程均为1个月。结果:(1)治疗组总有效率7667%25,对照组5333%25。
  2. Transient mutism may OCCtur in pediatfic patient following removal of a giant tumor in region of the cerebellar vermis. 儿童后颅凹小脑蚓部巨大型肿瘤全切术后易出现缄默症。
  3. MRI shows a cystic mass located in the vermis of the cerebellum that has a solid component on the right. MRI显示囊性部分位于小脑蚓部,在右侧具有实性部分。
  4. Secondary regions were the central cerebellar white matter, cerebellar vermis, thalamus, and basal ganglia. 哈尔碱存在于人们日常饮食中,是一种可诱发震颤的神经毒素。
  5. Results In acute period the findings of CT was the hypertensity area on cerebellar hemispheres or vermis. 结果急性期CT表现为小脑半球或小脑蚓部高密度或次高密度团块状病灶。
  6. Activation was also seen at the right precuneus and posterior thalamus with stimulation, extending into the superior vermis. 在右侧契前叶与后视丘在刺激之下也可以看到活化,会延展到小脑上蚓部。