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2024-02-19 04:40:16
美[vɜːnəlaɪzeɪʃən]  英[vɜːnəlaɪzeɪʃən]
n.  开花结实促进法;种子促熟法


  1. The linnet chirps her vernal song. 红雀吱喳鸣叫着她春天的歌。
  2. Everyone admired the young girls vernal freshness. 大家都羡慕这女孩子的青春朝气。
  3. Beyond the Jade Gate vernal wind will never blow. 春风不度玉门关。(王之涣《凉州词(一)》)
  4. Beyond the Jade Gate vernal wind will never blow! 春风不度玉门关
  5. Accustomed to the autumn moon and vernal breeze. 惯看秋月春风。
  6. He described the vernal migration of birds in detail. 他详细地描述了鸟的春季移居。