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2024-02-19 04:44:17
美  英
n.  弗纳(m


  1. Danish philologist (1846-1896)


  1. Leonard, Bill Lyne, Anne-marie Mallon, Verner D. 放大图片 作者: George Mcmichael; James S.
  2. Verner Panton was a fantastic designer and a remarkable person. 答:当然区别很大,因为我们谈论的本身就是不同的文化。
  3. Have you something affected from Verner Panton in yourworks? 在欧洲市场,我们专注欧洲客户做出适合的设计;
  4. The three-time Czech junior mens champion was second in 2008 behind Verner in senior men in the Czech Nationals. 几年过去了,看到了很多是是非非,也曾经动摇过,后来想想何必呢,第一印象是改不掉的,既然当初喜欢,就不要矢口否认,至于背后有别的什么事都随它去吧。
  5. Verner Jarvinen,the first Finn to compete in the Olympics,won the Greek-style discus throw and placed second in the freestyle discus. 芬兰的首位参赛选手维尔纳·耶尔维宁夺得希腊式铁饼第一名以及自由式铁饼第二名。
  6. B.Clapp Verner W.The Future of the Research Library.Phineas W.Windsor Series in Librarianship no. 8.Urbana: University of Illinois Press 1964. 林美和,小学图书馆的管理与应用,国民小学丛书23(台北市:台北市政府教育局,民70年),页15。