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2024-02-19 05:14:16
美[ˌvɜːrsɪfɪkeɪʃn]  英[ˌvɜːsɪfɪkeɪʃn]
n.  诗律;作诗


  1. a metrical adaptation of something (e.g., of a prose text)
  2. the form or metrical composition of a poem
  3. the art or practice of writing verse


  1. A particular system of versification. 诗体学作诗的一个特定系统
  2. Another principle of Whitman’s versification is phonetic recurrence, i.e. 惠特曼拥抱唯心论,依赖内省和直觉。
  3. It consists of fourteen lines, and each form has a certain versification. 顾名思义,它由十四诗行构成,不同的节律拥有不同的韵式。
  4. It is really a phenomenon worth our attention and interpretation while appreciating and accepting New Versification upon the Jade Station. 这的确是《玉台新咏》接受史上值得关注与阐释的现象。
  5. The form of English poetry is imitated closely by Chinese modern poetry,such as the stanza ,the strophe and the versification. 中国新诗极大地摹仿了英诗的诗形。英诗的文体形态是中国新诗的原始形态,特别是在诗段、诗节和诗句的书写方式上,英诗成为新诗的直接模仿对象。
  6. These have produced distinct kinds of versification, among which the most common are quantitative, syllabic, accentual, and accentual-syllabic. 这些原则已经产生了不同类型的诗文,其中,最普通的是音长,音节,重读,重读音节。