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2024-02-19 06:26:16
美[vɪsuːvɪənˌaɪt]  英[vɪsuːvɪənaɪt]
n.  符山石;维苏威石


  1. a green or yellow or brown mineral consisting of a hydrated silicate; it occurs as crystals in limestone and is used a gemstone


  1. Some hairdressing centers still immerse with Hawaiian vesuvianite oil of essence of life will help a client discharge poison, protect skin. 有的美容中心还用夏威夷火山石浸泡精油来帮助顾客排毒、护肤。
  2. The singer Koch gave me a piece of vesuvianite from her hometown as a farewell gift.She burned her foot when she was looking for this 5kg stone. 歌唱家科赫送给我一块她家乡的火山石,为了捡到这块十斤重的石头,她烫伤了脚。
  3. A massive green vesuvianite. 加利福尼亚石一种质地重的绿色火山石
  4. Mineralogical Study on Macrocrystals of Vesuvianite 一种巨晶符山石的矿物学研究
  5. Keywords vesuvianite;Chondrus ocellatus;aquaculture wastewater;treatment; 火山石;角叉菜;养殖废水;处理;