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2024-02-19 06:53:16
美  英
n.  虚拟文件分配表


  1. Partition num: 0, Filesystem type is vfat, partition type ... 估计是无法识别后面的分区,所以连配置文件都读不到。
  2. It supports FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, VFAT, NTFS, NTFS4 and NTFS5. 该软件支持 FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, VFAT, NTFS, NTFS4 和 NTFS5 磁盘分区格式。
  3. This is further sub-divided into directories,one per supported file system,for example vfat and ext2. 它也被划分成对应不同文件系统的子目录,如vfat和ext2。
  4. This is further sub-divided into directories, one per supported file system, for example vfat and ext2. 它也被划分成对应不同文件系统的子目录,如vfat和ext2。
  5. A device or resource required by VFAT is not present or is unavailable.VFAT cannot continue loading.System halted. 软盘可以引导,在c:/windows> 提示符后输入win ;回车出现兰屏: VFAT Device Initialization Failed.
  6. A device or resource required by VFAT is not present or is unavailable VFAT cannot conting loading. 这是什么原因导致的;在不重装系统的前提下怎么解决呢?