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2024-02-19 07:17:17
美[vaɪbrəfoʊn]  英[vaɪbrəfəʊn]
n.  电颤琴;铁琴


  1. a percussion instrument similar to a xylophone but having metal bars and rotating disks in the resonators that produce a vibrato sound


  1. A person who plays the vibraphone. 电颤琴演奏者
  2. A vibraphone is a jazz instrument that was invented around 1920. 电颤琴是一种爵士乐乐器,于1920年左右发明的。
  3. Instruments: Bili、Steel Guitar、Nylon Guitar、Dub.Bass、Vibraphone、Jazz Drum、Ethnic Percussion 6. 配器:梆笛,琵琶,民谣钢弦吉他,电钢琴,爵士低音贝斯,民族打击乐器。
  4. Tjader starts out the session on piano, but on most tracks his vibraphone skills are given a real chance to shine. 而来自波多黎各的拉丁音乐就比较偏向纽约,在接受到许多新的融合后而产生的音乐,即显得摩登得多。
  5. Besides all kinds of harmonicas , the current organization also includes melodion , xylophone , vibraphone, organ, accordion, piano , and timpani. 现有编制除以口琴乐为主的簧片乐器外,尚配备有口风琴、木琴、铁琴、风琴、手风琴、钢琴及定音鼓等打击乐器。
  6. Thousands of people can listen to a vibraphone as they enjoy jazz music every summer at the Joslyn Art Museum in Omaha, Nebraska. 每年夏季,内布拉斯加奥马哈市的乔斯林艺术博物馆内,都有数以千计的人边聆听电颤琴,边享受爵士乐的美妙。