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2024-02-19 07:46:17
美[vaɪkeərɪəns]  英[vaɪkeərɪəns]
n.  (同类动、 植物因地壳变动产生的山脉和海洋等阻隔所造成的)地理分隔


  1. Caselli, M.C., Vicari, S.( 1998) Gesture and words in early development of child-ren with Down syndrome. 陈荣华、林坤灿(民86)手语/口语并用沟通训练方案对增进中重度智能不足者沟通技能之成效研究。
  2. In both cases, the researchers have evoked scenarios of Cretaceous vicariance, followed by endemic species radiation within Madagascar and subsequent dispersal from Madagascar to other areas. 这些情形,研究人员已经考虑了白垩纪的隔离,接着特有种在马达加斯加听散布及随后从马达加斯加扩散到其中地区域。
  3. The population vicariance of Stentor coeruleus in Lake Donghu,Wuhan 东湖天蓝喇叭虫(Stentor coeruleus)种群的离散分化
  4. Q-T interphase and Q-T vicariance degree research Early Repolarization Syndrome 以Q-T间期与Q-T离散度研究早期复极综合征
  5. vicariance The presence of closely-related taxa or biota in different geographical areas; 地理割裂那不同的地理区域中有近亲的分类单元或生物相;
  6. vicariance biogeography 分替生物地理学,替代生物地理学