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2024-02-19 09:11:17
美[vjuːər]  英[vjuːə(r)]
n.  观看者;电视观众;观察器


  1. a close observer; someone who looks at something (such as an exhibition of some kind);

    "the spectators applauded the performance" "television viewers" "sky watchers discovered a new star"

  2. an optical device for viewing photographic transparencies


  1. Make sure that each viewer has a clear site line to the display.确保每一位观看者到显示器有一个清晰的视线。
  2. A larger crystal ball will also give a larger area in which the viewer can observe whatever they need to see.大的水晶球会提供观看者想看到的地方的大面积范围。
  3. The television viewer takes no initiative.电视观众没有施展主动性。
  4. Of course, being a selective viewer isnt bad.当然,被选中做了电视观众也并不意味着是件坏事。
  5. The viewer cannot complete this procedure.观察器不能完成该过程。
  6. DARPA is developing several viewer options for the computers, including a set of eyeglasses with embedded display in the frame being built by the Micro Optical Corporation.国防高级研究计划局正在研制与这些计算机配套的几种观察器,包括正由微光学公司制造的在镜框中嵌入显示器的眼镜。